10 Things to Declutter Before You Move
Sometimes it’s essential to purge before a move. The obvious things are easy… like broken furniture and stained clothing. It’s the perfectly good, nice items that are hard to part with. But if you aren’t using something and it no longer serves a purpose in your life, do you really want to pack it and move it around multiple times just to take up space in your new home? Decluttering before your move will save you money and stress!
I’ve moved over 10 times as an adult and have learned how to maximize the decluttering step of moving. It’s the perfect time to take inventory of ALL of our items and make the tough decisions. Start doing this as soon as you know you’ll be moving so it’s not such a stressful process! If you have movers assisting you, it’s best to get rid of these things before they give you a quote.
Here are some questions to ask yourself as you look through everything you have and decide what makes the cut into your new space:
How do I currently feel in my home?
How do I want to feel in my new home?
What space most important to me in my home?
What would I love to be able to do in the new space, that I can’t do now?
Am I using this item?
Do I like this item?
Does this item make me happy or stress me out?
Holiday/Seasonal Decorations
If you didn’t use a Christmas decoration you had stored last Christmas, or any years before, it’s likely you won’t use it again. There is a chance you’ve been telling yourself “when we move I’ll use it, it just doesn’t fit this house”… I promise you probably won’t. It’s refreshing to say goodbye to decor that doesn’t make you smile!Clothing
Ahhh, the “when I’m this size” clothing. See ya later! Yes, we have to be practical and keep stuff we really will need in the future even if it doesn’t fit perfectly today. But, guess what? If you’ve been saving an item just in case, Target will have your size in thousands of items in the future. Not saying I love fast fashion, but there is no shortage on clothing available. If it’s taking up space or seeing old garments from another lifetime makes you feel down, better leave it!Kitchen Utensils
Old frying pans, 7 spatulas, the dull knife set you saved after you got the new one… do you ever use those now? I’m willing to bet that if the frying pan you use goes to junk, you will probably buy a new one, not pull out the old old one! Now is a good time to donate anything in the kitchen you’ve saved for emergencies.Memorabilia
This is the hard one. I’m actually going to make an entire post on getting rid of memorabilia. These are items you keep because of past events and you’re holding onto that memory or feeling. Concert ticket stubs from a first date, a high school sports jersey, a cookie jar from a loved one you lost. With paper items, make a scrapbook! Doesn’t have to be fancy. Allow yourself one tote for memorabilia and plan to look at ALL OF IT before you move. Don’t just stuff it! If the feelings you get when you hold/look at it aren’t good, now is a good time to say goodbye to the item. I always recommend taking a photo and even creating an album for memorabilia. Anything you’re keeping out of GUILT… here is your permission to let it go. (More to come on this subject.)
Shred shred shred. Old receipts, paid bills, and anything that can be found online. You don’t need it! Be on the lookout for manuals for anything thats staying the the old house, like a water heater. You won’t need that where you’re going!Books
You might have books all throughout your home. Before the move collect EVERY book you have and decide which ones are still valuable to you. This is a good chance to list books for free on Facebook. It’s so satisfying knowing a book you loved is getting into the minds of others. Local libraries, YMCA, churches, or coffeeshops might accept some of them too!Toiletries & Expired Stuff
Do you have a linen closet filled with lotions you haven’t seen in years? If you feel wasteful getting rid of it, try to use them up before the move. If medicine or face lotion is expired, sure it might still have some life in it, but you haven’t used it in the YEARS it WASN’T expired. You probably don’t love it!Outdoor & Sports Equipment
Outdoor items tend to break and diminish in quality more frequently. A lot of it is tough to pack and gross to move. If it’s something that doesn’t have much life left in it or the dog chewed it up, it might be time for a fresh start.Furniture
If you have double and triple sets that you aren’t using, save yourself the moving energy and put it on FB Marketplace. So many people are in need of furniture and you can make a little bit of money to help with moving expenses. If you have a memorabilia piece from a family member but you don’t love it, it’s okay to part ways with it! Check with other family members first and if they aren’t interested you don’t have to be responsible for a 200 pound hutch if it doesn’t bring you joy!
The DVD player from college, the iPhone 5 stuffed in your junk drawer, an old TV. You know what I’m going to say by now… sell or donate it! CORDS. CORDS. CORDS. If you don’t know what it belongs to, gone! If you have 10 of the same cord, gone! If you never use it and will never use it, yup, GONE!
Styles, taste, and hobbies change! You don’t have to feel guilty about not loving something anymore. Especially if you can sell it online or have a friend who’d love to take it. If those options aren’t available, IT’S OKAY TO DONATE QUALITY ITEMS. Most of the items you decide to get rid of will NOT BE MISSED.
If parting with stuff is really hard for you, but you know it’s a must before your move, we can help you!